Jen & Ben’s B’nei Mitzvah Rehearsal: February 3, 2022 (Beth Tzedec)

Jonni Super · February 23, 2022 · Bar Mitzvah, Bat Mitzvah · 0 comments

Jen & Ben’s B’nei Mitzvah Rehearsal: February 3, 2022

Jen & Ben’s fantastic b’nei mitzvah rehearsal took place at Beth Tzedec one evening in early February.  Both of these kids were up for rehearsal action, I first took Jen for a little photographic adventure around the synagogue, and then returned for Ben to make his mark.  Once all the initial photos were done, we headed back into the sanctuary for the ubiquitous Torah photos. Throw in a couple of grandparents and parents, and we were off to the races. Torah pictures finished, we all headed back into the foyer for some wrapping up photos. Mazel Tov guys, great job.


The Story of Jen & Ben’s B’nei Mitzvah Rehearsal: Selected Photos HERE

All the Photos: HERE




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