Noah’s Backyard Bar Mitzvah: June 9, 2024

Jonni Super · August 06, 2024 · Bar Mitzvah, Bat Mitzvah · 0 comments

Noah’s Backyard Bar Mitzvah

My second time with this delightful group, this morning was not to be missed. I love this gang of boys, four brothers, each of them growing up faster than the next. Well, this was Noah’s turn to shine and shine he did. We headed out for a great photo shoot out in the street, used the neighbours houses, did whatever we could to have some fun before Noah’s sibs, and mom and dad joined us for some family photography. Everyone was looking good and feeling good. Adding some grandparents and some cousins and the photoshoot was done. We eventually headed to the backyard where everything was set up for a garden ceremony. Rabbi Yossi Sapirman was on board just like last time to run a beautiful inclusive ceremony. Toronto being unpredictable, of course, brought her weather to bear and for a part of the ceremony, umbrellas would make an appearance. That wasn’t going to stop the revelry or the party, and we just kept on going. Great speeches were heard before heading over to enjoy a brunch of champions. Noah, Way to go, you were fantastic.


The Story of Noah’s Bar Mitzvah: Selected Photos: HERE

All the Photos: HERE


•Clothing (Mitzvah): Strellson

•Shoes (Mitzvah): Steve Madden 

•Clothing (Mom): Veronica Beard (dress) Ted Baker (shoes)

•Clothing (Dad): Cinque

•Videographer: Luke Colavecchia

•Caterer: Taro sushi, Sonny Langer, Jules bakery

•Cake: Cakes by Robert

•Rabbi: Yossi Sapirman

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