Charlie’s Challah Bake & Evening Service: November 8, 2024
Well this challah bake turned out to be an amazing night. I met Charlie at the Family Shul on a gorgeous Thursday evening in November, (you remember November in 2024, it was really warm) and we set about with her friends and family to bake some bread for Shabbat. What a joy. The rebet’sen was leading the whole enterprise, Charlie was in charge and demonstrating in front of the group, and it was just a wild time involving flour, water, yeast, and eggs; the ingredients of Challah. We wrapped up this balagan, and waited for Friday to complete the celebration. Fast forward to Friday, and we all met outside the Family Shul for some photos, before heading inside for some candle lighting. Charlie was fantastic, such a joy in front of my camera, in such a beautiful setting, on such a wonderfully warm November day. Her brother and mom, a couple of family members, everyone joined in before heading inside to wrap up the ceremony. Mazal Tov guys, fantastic mitzvah.