Eli’s Bar Mitzvah Rehearsal: June 4, 2017 (Forest Hill Jewish Centre)

Jonni Super · June 18, 2017 · Bar Mitzvah, Bat Mitzvah · 0 comments

Eli’s Bar Mitzvah Rehearsal: June 4, 2017

Eli’s Rehearsal took place at the fabulous new Forest Hill Jewish Centre on Spadina just north of St. Clair. The space is just fantastic to photograph in, natural light and bright. Eli was great, coming with me for a walk around the synagogue, reading from the Torah, posing with family, just about everything I asked him to do. This was a long three-hour session, and by the end, even though there was a hint of ‘fading away from hunger’, he still remained upbeat and positive. It was a pleasure to photograph this family. I’m sure the Saturday service was amazing.


The Story of the Day HERE

All Photos HERE



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