Devi’s Bat Mitzvah: November 25, 2022 (Beth David)

Jonni Super · January 06, 2023 · Bar Mitzvah, Bat Mitzvah · 0 comments

Devi’s Bat Mitzvah: November 25, 2022

My second go-around with this lovely family at Beth David, we met in the early morning for some photos of Devi, her brother, parents, and extended family before heading into a lovely ceremony.  Devi spoke beautifully, and made everyone proud.  We wrapped the service and headed into a delicious brunch: some fine music, photo-booth, speeches, hora, the usual trappings of a successful bat mitzvah.  Mazel tov, guys.  So nice to see you all again.


Story of Devi’s Bat Mitzvah: Selected Photos HERE

All the Photos: HERE



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