Joshua Bar Mitzvah: April 29, 2023 (Habonim *)

Jonni Super · May 06, 2023 · Bar Mitzvah, Bat Mitzvah · 0 comments

Joshua Bar Mitzvah: April 29, 2023

Photographed by: Justine
Josh’s Bar Mitzvah took place on a rainy spring morning at Congregation Habonim. Everyone arrived bright and early, very excited for the celebration ahead.  I started off with Josh and his older sister in the shul reception area. Josh looked pretty sharp in that blue suit, and both kids were a pleasure to work with.  We hit the ground running, and added Josh’s parents and grandparents. Following portraits, guests began arriving for the ceremony. Rabbi Katz and Cantor Aviva graciously welcomed everyone and congratulated Josh on his special day. He did a stellar job reading his parsha and he gave a moving D’var Torah that made his family so proud.  Post ceremony, everyone schmoozed in the reception area. When the tables were set up, guests moved into the hall for lunch. There was a delicious spread of bagels, lox, cream cheese, salads, and dessert. Everyone had a great time eating, chatting, and celebrating the Bar Mitzvah boy.  Mazal Tov guys, on a beautiful simcha.

The Story of Joshua’s Bar Mitzvah: Selected Photos HERE

All the Photos: HERE




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