Rachel’s Bat Mitzvah: June 17, 2023 (Habonim)

Jonni Super · July 18, 2023 · Bar Mitzvah, Bat Mitzvah · 0 comments

Rachel’s Bat Mitzvah: June 17, 2023

I love photographing here at Habonim, bright, and simple.  The foyer is well lit, the outside is sunny in the right places, it’s just great, and today was no exception.  Rachel was good to go, just ready for photos pre-mitzvah.  We walked and talked, snapped some photos, and had a great time.  We then added some parents and a sister for good measure before heading into the sanctuary for the main event.  Rachel was fantastic, she spoke beautifully and made us all proud.  We wrapped the ceremony and headed in for a delicious lunch, heartfelt speeches, and general goofiness.  Guys, what a great simcha, Mazel tov!!


All the Photos: HERE

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