Josh’s Bar Mitzvah Rehearsal: June 7, 2024 (Beit Rayim)

Jonni Super · July 13, 2024 · Bar Mitzvah, Bat Mitzvah · 0 comments

Josh’s Bar Mitzvah Rehearsal: June 7, 2024

Back with this wonderful crew for a second round, and once again, we’re at the Beit Rayim Synagogue in the Schwartz Reisman Centre, just north of Toronto on Bathurst. I caught up with Josh on a (kinda) rainy day, so we moved our portrait session indoors, such is Toronto summer weather. Josh was all set, and we took a little adventure walk around the Reisman Centre before gathering the whole family for some group shots. Then, we headed into the sanctuary for photos with the Torah, building up the excitement for the big event on Saturday. Mazel Tov, everyone—well done!


The Story of the Day: Selected Photos HERE

All the Photos: HERE


•Clothing (Mitzvah): Moores

•Clothing (Mom): Laura Canada

•Clothing (Dad): Moores

•Invitations: Paperless Post

•Makeup: Candice Torch

•Photographer: Jonni Super

•Venue: Schwartz Reisman Centre

•Caterer: Eisenbergs 

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